Aug 21

Every year, local free indy paper Nashville Scene holds a contest called “You Are So Nashville If…,” inviting creative readers to fill in the blank. Gems from this year’s contest include:

  • Your recording contract lasted longer than your marriage.
  • You wonder what the Northern Baptist Convention is like.
  • If he had his way, the headliner at your Fourth of July celebration would have half of the crowd deported.
  • You didn’t know Nashville had a hockey team until the lockout.
  • Your weatherman spends 45 minutes of prime airtime describing a five-minute storm.
  • Your new guilty pleasure is circling the new Hustler Hollywood in your car because the Musica statue just isn’t doing it for you anymore.
  • You wish Jack 96.3 would just shut up.
  • You’re still wondering how to buy stock in E-Cycle.
  • You’ve been dropped from TennCare, gas prices are too high, you can’t pay your rent, but you can still afford to buy a state senator.

But what was voted second place was actually the best:

one comment so far...

  • Deedee Said on September 3rd, 2005 at 12:34 am:

    Love it. I must’ve missed that issue.